End of Service Benefit Indemnity in Bahrain
Hello all, My company is going to terminate me and I worked almost 6 years with the same company. Can someone tell me how to calculate the end of service benefit indemnity for me?
 Views: 41668
End of Service Benefit Indemnity in Bahrain
Answers (2)
12 سنةs منذ
Basic Salary = 1000

No of days worked = 6 yrs

= 365*6 = 2190 Days

2190/365*15 = 90 Bd

Basic Salary 1000 x 90 /365*15 = 3,698.630

Total Indemnity payable is 3,698.630
12 سنةs منذ
If your company terminates you, then you will get 15 days of salary each year of the first three years and one month salary from fourth year on wards.

If your basic salary is 1000 BD and you have worked for 6 years then the end of service indemnity benefit is calculated as below.

Daily salary = 1000 x 12 / 365 = 32.87 BD

15 days salary = 32.87 x 15 = 493.05 BD

First three years benefit = 3 x 493.05 = 1479.15 BD

Next 3 years benefit = 3 x 1000 = 3000 BD

Total End of Service Benefit Indemnity = 1479.15 BD + 3000 BD = 4479.15 BD.

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